Blepharoplasty  [Eyelid Rejuvenation]

Upper and lower blepharoplasty involves excising skin, sometimes fat and muscle in the natural hidden skin creases.


Our eyes are the windows to our souls, and naturally may require rejuvenation. With age, we can unfortunately have an appearance of constantly looking tired or unhappy


Incisions are placed in the natural skin creases. This is done as a day case, and either awake or asleep. Single lids-1 hour, both upper and lower-2 hours


Swelling peaks at day 3The skin is healed after 5 days-and stitches are removed after a week. The scar becomes inconspicuous after 3 weeks. There are often irregularities which settle once the skin softens up. Eyesight could be blurry for a few days, and dry eyes often settle with eye drops.

•  Driving: 3-5 days

•  Back to work: 1-2 weeks

•  Exercise: 4 weeks